After human life was mysteriously wiped out on the island known as Selini, wolves and other animals began to thrive. Welcome to Moonlight Wolves, an intermediate to advanced realistic wolf role play. We are currently working on building up our community so we welcome all new members. Even if you aren't quite an intermediate role player, we will work with you to build up your skills to bring out the potential inside of you. So once again, welcome to our community and happy role playing to all of you!
The Melor Desert is a dry, flat piece of land that is mostly made up of sandy soil and pure sunshine. Visibility stretches on for miles, and the tips of the Izo Mountains can be seen from almost any location in the desert. Other than a few scattered shrubs and the even rarer cacti, life is scarce during daytime hours when the sun is at its strongest. But the area truly thrives at night when the temperatures drop drastically. Then, you can spot lizards, rattlesnakes, jackrabbits, and even owls and scorpions.